Legal Information on the Provider:

Beyond Networks GmbH
81827 Munich

Represented by: Managing Director Amera Jamaleldin

Press Inquiries:
Please direct press inquiries regarding ASEOJIN products to: INFO@ASEOJINBEAUTY.COM

Commercial Register:
- Registered in the commercial register of the Munich Local Court
- Commercial Register Number: HRB 244609
- VAT Identification Number in accordance with § 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act: DE321205890

Legal Notices for the Website:
All texts, images, and information published on this website are subject to the copyright of the provider, unless third-party copyrights exist. Any reproduction, distribution, or public reproduction is only permitted with the express and non-transferable consent of the provider.

Liability Notice for External Links:
The provider assumes no responsibility for all web content linked via cross-references (links) since they are not its own content. At the time of linking, the linked pages were checked for illegal content, and none was recognizable. The content of the linked pages is the responsibility of the respective operator. The provider is not obligated to monitor and check in general. However, upon knowledge of any legal violations, the corresponding link will be promptly removed.